Welcome to my Home Page


Yeah, I know you're not supposed to say that anymore, but it's my page. I'm not trying to sell anything, or promote anything, or asking for money; you came here by choice--maybe to find out what books I've read recently, or where I buy them, or what SCA events I've put photograph pages up for, or any other reason. So I figure I can still say welcome.

Now that you're here, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the pages to get to the specific place you want to see, or choose the specific area you want to go to below.



  • Photos from recent (and not-so-recent) SCA events
  • Links to some other medieval sites

Pavilions (Medieval Tents)

  • Photographs of pavilions, mostly from SCA events. Some annotated
  • Some general tips regarding Pavilions
  • Links to other Pavilion-focussed web sites


  • What I've read recently
  • Great places to get books
  • Favorite books and authors


  • Some articles on photography
  • Tips and techniques in Photoshop
  • Bibliofile: FileMaker Pro Book Cataloging Database


  • Other sites I've found particularly interesting
Home Medieval Books Pavilions Links
E-Mail Keradwc [ connery@keradwc.com ]
This page was last updated: 08/17/2005 04:23:44.