Phillip |
Kolfinna, Regina Caidis |
Jamal Damien Marcus and Eowyn Amberdrake |
Eowyn Amberdrake receives Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme |
Jamal and Eowyn accept Bruce as Coral |
Bruce "I don't even live in Lyondemere anymore" Draconarius of Mistholme |
20060722_094122_1 |
Matlens Litovka |
Jamal Damien Marcus, Eowyn Amberdrake, Bruce Draconarius as herald. |
Jamal Damien Marcus, Eowyn Amberdrake, Bruce Draconarius as herald., Sven, Rex Caidis |
Jamal and Eowyn step down as Baron and Baroness of Lyondemere |
The Reeve and Reevess of Lyondemere are announced by Marion FitzThomas |
The Reeve and Reevess of Lyondemere come forward. Angelina Nicollette de Beaumont led in by Marion FitzThomas |
The Reeve and Reevess of Lyondemere come forward. Thomas Bordeaux, Angelina Nicollette de Beaumont. (Marion FitzThomas is herald) |
The Reeve and Reevess of Lyondemere keep coming forward. Angelina Nicollette de Beaumont Thomas Bordeaux, |
Angelina Nicollette de Beaumont |
Angelina and Thomas swear to the Crown |
Angelina and Thomas swear to the Crown |
Angelina and Thomas swear to the Crown |
Thomas and Angelina invested as Baron and Baroness of Lyondemere |
Thomas and Angelina invested as Baron and Baroness of Lyondemere |
The new Baron and Baroness greet their people |
Bruce Draconarius is called forward |
Coral for one hour, and Boom! Out of a job! |
20060722_103812r1c |
Kolfinna kottr (Regina Caidis) |
20060722_132932 |
Elisabeth Goodchilde and Arianna Kateryn Nunneschilde |
Gerhart von Altenberg |
Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme |
Gareth Nikodemos Somerset |
Gareth Nikodemos Somerset |
20060722_133808 |
20060722_133818 |
20060722_134110 |
20060722_134120 |
Charles of Dublin |
Basil von Köln |
Kolfinna kottr, Regina Caidis |
Sven Orfhendur, Rex Caidis |